Item owner manual

The most active members of the community have gained experience that we can share with our new members and those who want to achieve better results in renting items. Presenting your item and publishing your ad increases your chance to successfully rent items by over 70% !

1. Show an item to your friends on Facebook
Every day seeks to raise awareness, presents the best rental offers to the community and promotes sharing economy in Lithuania. However, we are unable to provide every day advertising for almost 2000 items on our platform. Therefore, we suggest that each owner should show their rentable items to their friends. Our statistics show that items posted on Facebook are rented 68% more often than others.

2. Better Photos
The item rental platform no longer has items without photos but the most popular items are the ones with high quality eye catching photos. We recommend to take real photos of the items instead of using photos from the Internet. Smartphones are the perfect choice for taking photos, but the good lighting is a must. This is perhaps the most important thing for taking pictures of the items. We recommend experimenting with the angles and different places to find out which ones are the best for your items.

3. Accurate and engaging title
Good ad requires a correct and attractive title. recommends writing a specific name of the item with one of the most important attributes if it fits in the title line. Do not use phrases like “great machine”, “powerful pump” because your ad will be more difficult to find on search.

4. Detailed description
The more information you provide in your ad, the fewer questions the renter will have. Detailed information about the item, its features and swap conditions allows you to rent things faster. Otherwise, the owner of the item usually gets many questions which take rather large amount of time to answer.

5. Competitive Price
The easiest way to set the price is to calculate the average price of the same or similar items in a certain category and evaluate the condition of your item. However, if it is difficult to make a decision, we recommend to experiment. In the beginning, set a lower price than the average cost of similar items, and then increase it slightly after your first time renting it. This will help you to find out if your item is even interesting for members of the community.

6. The most popular category experience shows that the most successful items are automobiles in the cities. the biggest successes are the cars renting in the city. If you do not have a car or  hesitate to begin renting it, you can try renting cameras, , game consoles, leisure and sports equipment. More than 75% of transactions occur in these categories of items.

7. Renter Rating
Before renting your belongings check the renter’s history on the platform. You can find all the information about a member of the community in his profile. You can find out when he joined the platform, how many transactions he has made, his rating in the reputation system and what other members of the community say about him. We recommend renting items only for people who use their first and last name and are signed in to the platform through Facebook. We encourage a responsible community, so be mindful when dealing with different people.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or contact us on our Facebook” account.