Digital contract

If you want to use the digital version of our automatically generated contract, go to My information -> Owner and select “I want to sign the contract digitally.” Then, both parties will be able to sign the contract straight on the owner’s phone, tablet or computer; select the rent and press Pick up. If you are … Continued


The deposit is an agreeable matter between the owner of the item and the renter and the owner has the full right to demand it. does not interfere with this process. If you have agreed with the owner to leave a cash deposit – do not forget to enter this amount into the renting … Continued

F.A.Q when renting from Topo Centras

How to rent from Topo Centras? Register first. Then pick your dates and press reserve. For most items you will be able to make a payment straight away, but for more expensive items you will need to wait for a confirmation. Once the rent has been paid, you will receive the following info: rent ID, … Continued

New features making the rent process even easie

Here are some improvements, which will make the rent process easier for both the owners and the renters! User role change Do you want to be an owner and also rent goods yourself? Now you can do both from one account! All you need to do is to change your user role. Go to My information … Continued

How to change user role?

Do you want to be an owner and also rent goods yourself? Now you can do both from one account! All you need to do is to change your user role. Go to My information > Additional. If you already have two accounts and you would like to merge them, just e-mail us at [email protected]Continued

Grouping items

Now you can rent more than one item per listing! If you have more than one of the same item, or items that compliment each other, you can now connect them. Equivalent items: if you have more than one of the same item, you can mark them as equivalent items. This way, the borrower will … Continued

Valentine’s Day: 4 unconventional ways to celebrate

Nors sutinkame, kad savo antrąją pusę reikia mylėti kasdien, Valentino diena yra dar viena puiki proga šiek tiek paįvairinti jūsų bendrą gyvenimą. Primename, kad ši šventė vyks jau penktadienį. Dar nesate sugalvoję jokios veiklos? Ne problema – paskutinės minutės veiklų idėjomis su jumis dalinasi platforma Savaitgalio kelionė po Lietuvą ar kaimynines šalis Seniai niekur … Continued

Presents that should not be given this Christmas

Artėja Kalėdos ir Naujieji metai – dovanų metas. Viešumoje vis dažniau matome pasiūlymus, ką reikėtų dovanoti savo artimiesiems, tačiau niekas nekalba apie tai, kokios dovanos yra prastas pasirinkimas. O tokių dovanų tikrai pasitaiko gana dažnai. Ekstremali patirtis – dovana, kuri galimai liks stalčiuje Žmogus bijo aukščio, tad galbūt būtų gera idėja jam padovanoti skrydį oro … Continued

Want to live an eco-friendly lifestyle? Stop buying

Greta Thunberg privertė visą pasaulį vėl susimąstyti apie ekologijos svarbą mūsų tolimesniam gyvenimui. Daugelis pamiršta, kad ekologijai pavojų kelia ne tik plastikiniai šiaudeliai ar buteliai, bet ir gyvenimo būdas. Nors užsienyje dalijimosi ekonomika ir nuoma tampa vis populiaresnės, Lietuvoje turėti nuosavą automobilį, paspirtuką, langų valymo aparatą ar fotoaparato objektyvą – įprasta. Kiekvienas jūsų turimas daiktas … Continued